Ming Trading LLC, established in 2013, is a Chicago, Illinois based distributor that specializes in offering an expanding catalog of aquatic supplies and pond equipment. While attending—and displaying—our products at numerous aquatic trade shows, our staff will always have the deepest pleasure in meeting, and shaking everyone’s hand.
Ming Trading LLC is the exclusive distributor for products such as Zetlight, Macro Aqua, H2Pro—not to mention carrying other products consisting of Aqua Excel, SunSun, Jebao, and New Life Spectrum. There are new and exciting products added each month. We only put and present products out there that we use and trust for top-notch performance. We have a diverse catalog that displays both marine and freshwater aquatic supplies. We also provide supplies such as air pumps, aquarium stands, bio pellets, canisters, CO2 equipment, dosing pumps, aquarium fans, filters, fish nets, fish tanks/complete tank sets, fish food, glass canopies, glass/algae cleaners, hang-on back equipment, inline/submersible heaters, lighting, pond equipment, protein skimmers, submersible pumps, test kits, tools, tubing, UV sterilizers, wavemakers, WIFI compatible equipment, and other aquatic maintenance supplies. These products are not only reliable, but also insanely gorgeous.
We have shipped our products out to all over the world and look to expand on other pet supplies in the growing future.